Italy is well-known for having one of the best cuisines in the world (some say it's the very best, depending on whom you ask!).
There are thousands of delicious Italian recipes available, but many specialized Italian terms can be confusing.
In this post, I’m going to provide an extensive list of vocabulary (with pronunciation) that will help you understand Italian recipes. Since this is a fairly large list, you might want to use it as a reference guide.
Cooking Tools
Apriscatole: can opener (/aˌpriˈskɑtʃole/, ah-pree-SKAH-toh-leh)
Bilancia: scale (/biˈlantʃa/, bee-LAHN-chah)
Bicchiere dosatore: measuring cup (/biˈkjɛre dozaˈtore/, beek-KYEH-reh doh-zah-TOH-reh)
Bimby: Thermomix (/ˈbimbi/, BEEM-bee)
Casseruola: saucepan (/kasseˈrwɔla/, kahs-seh-ROO-oh-lah)
Ciotola: bowl (/ˈtʃɔtola/, CHOH-toh-lah)
Colino: strainer (/koˈlino/, koh-LEE-noh)
Coltello: knife (/kolˈtɛllo/, kohl-TEH-loh)
Coperchio: lid (/koˈpɛrkjo/, koh-PEHR-kyoh)
Cucchiaio: spoon (/kukˈkjajo/, kook-KYAH-yoh)
Cucchiaio di legno: wooden spoon (/kukˈkjajo di ˈleɲɲo/, kook-KYAH-yoh dee LEH-nyoh)
Forchetta: fork (/forˈketta/, for-KEHT-tah)
Forno: oven (/ˈfɔrno/, FOHR-noh)
Friggitrice: deep fryer (/fridʒˈdriːtʃe/, freeg-jee-TREE-cheh)
Friggitrice ad aria: air fryer (/fridʒˈdriːtʃe ad ˈarja/, freeg-jee-TREE-cheh ahd AH-ryah)
Frullatore: blender (/frulˈlatore/, frool-LAH-toh-reh)
Frusta: whisk (/ˈfrusta/, FROO-stah)
Grattugia: grater (/ˈgrattudʒa/, GRAH-too-jah)
Griglia: grill (/ˈɡriʎʎa/, GREE-lyah)
Leccapentole: spatula (/lekkaˈpentole/, lehk-kah-PEHN-toh-leh)
Macina: grinder (/ˈmaʧina/, MAH-chee-nah)
Mattarello: rolling pin (/mattaˈrɛllo/, maht-tah-REH-loh)
Mestolo: ladle (/ˈmɛstolo/, MEHS-toh-loh)
Mortaio: mortar (/morˈtajo/, mohr-TAH-yoh)
Padella: frying pan (/paˈdɛlla/, pah-DEH-lah)
Pelapatate: potato peeler (/pɛlapaˈtate/, peh-lah-pah-TAH-teh)
Pentola: pot (/ˈpɛntola/, PEHN-toh-lah)
Pentola a pressione: pressure cooker (/ˈpɛntola a presˈsjone/, PEHN-toh-lah ah prehs-SYOH-neh)
Pirofila: baking dish (/piˈrɔfila/, pee-ROH-fee-lah)
Planetaria: stand mixer (/plaˈnɛtaria/, plah-NEH-tah-ree-ah)
Robot da cucina: food processor (/ˈrɔbot da kuˈtʃina/, ROH-boht dah koo-CHEE-nah)
Scolapasta: colander (/skolaˈpasta/, skoh-lah-PAH-stah)
Spatola: spatula (/ˈspatola/, SPAH-toh-lah)
Stampo: mold (/ˈstampo/, STAHM-poh)
Teglia: baking tray (/ˈteʎʎa/, TEH-lyah)
Termometro: thermometer (/terˈmɔmetro/, tehr-MOH-meh-troh)
Tagliere: cutting board (/taʎˈʎɛre/, tahl-YEH-reh)
Food Staples
Aceto: vinegar (/aˈtʃeto/, ah-CHEH-toh)
Aglio: garlic (/ˈaʎʎo/, AHL-yoh)
Alloro: bay leaf (/alˈlɔro/, ahl-LOH-roh)
Basilico: basil (/baˈziliko/, bah-ZEE-lee-koh)
Bicarbonato di sodio: baking soda (/bikarboˈnato di ˈsɔdjo/, bee-kahr-boh-NAH-toh dee SOH-dyoh)
Burro: butter (/ˈburro/, BOOR-roh)
Carne: meat (/ˈkarne/, KAHR-neh)
Farina: flour (/faˈrina/, fah-REE-nah)
Formaggio: cheese (/forˈmaddʒo/, for-MAHD-joh)
Latte: milk (/ˈlatte/, LAHT-teh)
Lievito: yeast (/ˈljɛvito/, LYAY-vee-toh)
Lievito per dolci: baking powder (/ˈljɛvito per ˈdolʧi/, LYAY-vee-toh pehr DOHL-chee)
Lievito secco: dry yeast (/ˈljɛvito ˈsekko/, LYAY-vee-toh SEHK-koh)
Mozzarella: mozzarella (/mɔttsaˈrɛlla/, moht-tsah-REH-lah)
Olio d'oliva: olive oil (/ˈɔljo doˈliva/, OH-lyoh doh-LEE-vah)
Origano: oregano (/oˈriɡano/, oh-REE-gah-noh)
Pane: bread (/ˈpane/, PAH-neh)
Parmigiano: Parmesan cheese (/parmiˈdʒano/, par-mee-JAH-noh)
Patate: potatoes (/paˈtate/, pah-TAH-teh)
Pecorino: pecorino cheese (/pekoˈrino/, peh-koh-REE-noh)
Pepe: pepper (/ˈpepe/, PEH-peh)
Peperoncino: chili pepper (/peperoŋˈtʃino/, peh-peh-rohn-CHEE-noh)
Pomodori: tomatoes (/pomoˈdɔri/, poh-moh-DOH-ree)
Prezzemolo: parsley (/pretˈtsemolo/, preht-TSEH-moh-loh)
Riso: rice (/ˈrizo/, REE-zoh)
Rosmarino: rosemary (/rozmaˈrino/, rohz-mah-REE-noh)
Sale: salt (/ˈsale/, SAH-leh)
Spinaci: spinach (/spiˈnatʃi/, spee-NAH-chee)
Tonno: tuna (/ˈtonno/, TOHN-noh)
Uova: eggs (/ˈwɔva/, WOH-vah)
Vino: wine (/ˈvino/, VEE-noh)
Zucchero: sugar (/ˈtsukkero/, TSOO-keh-roh)
Zucchine: zucchini (/tsukˈkine/, tsoo-KEE-neh)
Preparing Food
Affettare: to slice (/afˈfetːtare/, ahf-feh-TAH-reh)
Amalgamare: to mix thoroughly (/amalɡaˈmare/, ah-mahl-gah-MAH-reh)
Condire: to season (/konˈdire/, kohn-DEE-reh)
Cubettare: to dice (/kuˈbettare/, koo-beh-TAH-reh)
Disossare: to debone (/disosˈsare/, dee-sohs-SAH-reh)
Farcire: to stuff (/farˈtʃire/, fahr-CHEE-reh)
Frullare: to blend (/frulˈlare/, frool-LAH-reh)
Grattugiare: to grate (/ɡrattuˈdʒare/, graht-too-JAH-reh)
Impastare: to knead (/impaˈstare/, eem-pah-STAH-reh)
Infarinare: to flour (/infarˈinare/, een-fah-ree-NAH-reh)
Marinare: to marinate (/mariˈnare/, mah-ree-NAH-reh)
Mescolare: to stir (/meskoˈlare/, meh-skoh-LAH-reh)
Mischiare: to mix (/misˈkjare/, mees-KYAH-reh)
Pelare: to peel (/peˈlare/, peh-LAH-reh)
Sbucciare: to peel (/zbukˈtʃare/, zboo-CHAH-reh)
Schiacciare: to mash (/skjatˈtʃare/, skyah-CHAH-reh)
Scottare: to blanch (/skotˈtare/, skot-TAH-reh)
Setacciare: to sift (/setatˈtʃare/, seh-taht-CHAH-reh)
Sfilettare: to fillet (/sfiletˈtare/, sfee-leh-TAH-reh)
Sfogliare: to roll into thin layers (/sfoʎˈʎare/, sfohl-YAH-reh)
Spennellare: to brush (/spenˈnɛllare/, spen-NEHL-lah-reh)
Stendere: to roll out (/ˈstɛndere/, STEHN-deh-reh)
Stendere la pasta: to roll out the dough (/ˈstɛndere la ˈpasta/, STEHN-deh-reh lah PAH-stah)
Tagliare: to cut (/taʎˈʎare/, tahl-YAH-reh)
Tritare: to chop (/triˈtare/, tree-TAH-reh)
Note: While mischiare and mescolare are often used interchangeably when stirring two or more ingredients, it sounds odd to use mischiare when there's only one main ingredient. For example, you would generally use mescolare il sugo (stir the sauce), not mischiare il sugo (mix the sauce), unless you're adding cream or another major ingredient (e.g., not salt), which would justify the mixing action.
Cooking Instructions
Affumicare: to smoke (/affumiˈkare/, ah-foo-mee-KAH-reh)
Aggiustare di sale: to adjust seasoning (/adˈdʒustare di ˈsale/, ahd-JOOS-tah-reh dee SAH-leh)
Al dente: firm to the bite (/al ˈdɛnte/, ahl DEHN-teh)
Alla brace: grilled over coals (/alla ˈbraʧe/, ah-lah BRAH-cheh)
Arrostire: to roast (/arrosˈtire/, ahr-roh-STEE-reh)
Arrosto: roasted (/arˈrɔsto/, ahr-ROH-stoh)
Assaggiare: to taste (/assaˈdʒare/, ahs-sah-JAH-reh)
Bollire: to boil (/bolˈlire/, bohl-LEE-reh)
Brasare: to braise (/braˈzare/, brah-ZAH-reh)
Caramellare: to caramelize (/karamelˈlare/, kah-rah-mehl-LAH-reh)
Cuocere: to cook (/ˈkwɔtʃere/, KWOH-cheh-reh)
Cuocere a fuoco lento: to simmer (/ˈkwɔtʃere a ˈfwɔko ˈlɛnto/, KWOH-cheh-reh ah FWOH-koh LEHN-toh)
Cuocere al vapore: to steam (/ˈkwɔtʃere al vaˈpore/, KWOH-cheh-reh ahl vah-POH-reh)
Dorare: to brown (/doˈrare/, doh-RAH-reh)
Friggere: to fry (/ˈfriddʒere/, FREE-jeh-reh)
Gratinare: to gratinate (/ɡratˈtinare/, graht-tee-NAH-reh)
Grigliare: to grill (/ɡriʎˈʎare/, greel-YAH-reh)
Infornare: to bake (/inforˈnare/, een-fohr-NAH-reh)
Lasciar riposare: to let rest (/lasˈʃare riposaˈre/, lah-SHYAH-reh ree-poh-SAH-reh)
Lessare: to boil (for vegetables or pasta) (/lesˈsare/, leh-SAH-reh)
Mantecare: to cream (/manteˈkare/, mahn-teh-KAH-reh)
Ridurre: to reduce (/riˈdurre/, ree-DOOR-reh)
Rosolare: to sauté (/rozoˈlare/, roh-zoh-LAH-reh)
Saltare: to sauté quickly (/salˈtare/, sahl-TAH-reh)
Sfumare: to deglaze (/sfuˈmare/, sfoo-MAH-reh)
Sobbollire: to simmer gently (/sobbolˈlire/, soh-bohl-LEE-reh)
Soffriggere: to sauté (/soffˈridʒere/, sof-FREE-jeh-reh)
Tostare: to toast (/tosˈtare/, tohs-TAH-reh)
Serving Food
Accompagnare: to accompany (e.g., with a side) (/akkɔmpaɲˈɲare/, ah-kom-pah-NYAH-reh)
Aggiungere: to add (/adˈdʒundʒere/, ahd-JOON-jeh-reh)
Cospargere: to sprinkle (/kosˈpardʒere/, kohs-PAHR-jeh-reh)
Decorare: to decorate (/dekoˈrare/, deh-koh-RAH-reh)
Guarnire: to garnish (/ɡwarˈnire/, gwar-NEE-reh)
Impiattare: to plate (/imˈpjattare/, eem-pyaht-TAH-reh)
Irrorare: to drizzle (/irroˈrare/, eer-roh-RAH-reh)
Intingere: to dip (/inˈtindʒere/, een-TEEN-jeh-reh)
Servire: to serve (/serˈvire/, sehr-VEE-reh)
Spolverare: to dust (/spolveˈrare/, spohl-veh-RAH-reh)
Spruzzare: to spray or sprinkle (/sputˈtsare/, sproot-ZAH-reh)
Other Italian Recipes Words
Conservare: to preserve (/kɔnserˈvare/, kohn-sehr-VAH-reh)
Sottaceto: pickled (/sottaˈʧeto/, soht-tah-CHEH-toh)
Sottovuoto: sous-vide (/sottovuˈɔto/, soht-toh-VOO-oh-toh)
Un cucchiaio di: a tablespoon of (/un kukˈkjaio di/, oon kook-KYAH-yoh dee)
Un cucchiaino di: a teaspoon of (/un kukˈkjaˈino di/, oon kook-KYAH-ee-noh dee)
Un pizzico di: a pinch of (/un ˈpittsiˌko di/, oon PEET-see-koh dee)
Una manciata di: a handful of (/ˈmantsata/, mahn-CHAH-tah)
Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion
0°C = 32°F (Freezing point of water)
10°C = 50°F
20°C = 68°F
30°C = 86°F
40°C = 104°F
50°C = 122°F
60°C = 140°F
70°C = 158°F
80°C = 176°F
90°C = 194°F
100°C = 212°F (Boiling point of water)
110°C = 230°F
120°C = 248°F
130°C = 266°F
140°C = 284°F
150°C = 302°F
160°C = 320°F
170°C = 338°F
180°C = 356°F
190°C = 374°F
200°C = 392°F
210°C = 410°F
220°C = 428°F
230°C = 446°F
I hope this reference was useful. Buon appetito! (Enjoy your meal!)