Recently we reviewed five advanced Italian words. Let’s review 5 more words that you might not be familiar with. These are classified as C2-level (the highest level) because even a percentage of native Italians will not be familiar with some.
1. Mutria (MOO-tree-ah /ˈmu.trja/)
Mutria refers to a gloomy, sullen, or sulky demeanor. It describes a person who appears reserved or taciturn, often with a hint of discontent. For example:
Non riesco a sopportare la sua mutria costante.
(I can't stand his constant sulkiness.)
2. Anfitrione (ahn-fee-tree-OH-neh /an.fiˈ
Anfitrione is a term used to describe a generous host, often someone who welcomes and entertains guests warmly. It originates from the mythological figure Amphitryon. For example:
È stato un anfitrione impeccabile durante la cena.
(He was an impeccable host during the dinner.)
3. Laconico (lah-COH-nee-coh /laˈkɔ.ni.ko/)
Laconico means terse, concise, or brief, often implying a deliberate and effective use of few words. For example:
Il suo discorso è stato sorprendentemente laconico ma incisivo.
(His speech was surprisingly terse but incisive.)
4. Aulico (OW-lee-coh /ˈ
Aulico refers to something lofty, refined, or courtly, often associated with elevated or sophisticated language or behavior. For example:
Ha un modo di parlare molto aulico, quasi poetico.
(He has a very refined way of speaking, almost poetic.)
5. Luculliano (loo-cool-LYAH-noh /lu.kulˈ
Luculliano describes something lavish, sumptuous, or luxurious, particularly referring to meals or banquets. It derives from Lucullus, a Roman known for his extravagant feasts. For example:
La cena era luculliana, piena di piatti ricchi e deliziosi.
(The dinner was sumptuous, full of rich and delicious dishes.)
How many did you know?
These are excellent and four out of five are new to me! Do they change with gender?
I was familiar with none of the words.